Friday, July 31, 2009

Overnight hold!

aezs cvgi dptr ino pacr rus srz vvtv zlc

Yes I do know the market could be topping out but I am will to take the risk!

I will be posting charts over the weekend! Good Game everyone!


TrackingCR said...

nice swing charts TMI ! ur Twit'ers doubling, tripling !

Trader Keith said...

Hey man,

Sorry for the side comment, but I'm just curious how you put up charts on your blog. I have a blog using blogspot too but I am having problems putting them up in the "add images" part. Any advice. Thanks!


Tradermarket247 said...

NAP - I Know!! My twitter follower exploded!

Keith - Hey thanks for stopping by my blog. Anyways, what exactly is the "problem". That might help me to offer you a solution!

Trader Keith said...

Its when I am in the comment section and I go to "add image" it wont show my chart on the page. You know how you can upload an image from your computer or from the internet using an address, when I want to add a chart from a specific address, nothing happens. How do you exactly upload the charts onto your blog?

Thanks man!


Tradermarket247 said...

This should answer your question!

Trader Keith said...

Thanks man!! I will take a look!


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